September 15, 2021 - Wasps

This isn't an easy question to answer. How dangerous a wasp can be is dependent on several key factors. We're going to take a look at these factors today so you can determine how dangerous Denver wasps might be for you.
Allergic Reactions To Insects
There are a few ways an insect can cause you to have an allergic reaction.
- Some insects can cause skin irritation when they crawl on you. Cockroaches are a good example of this.
- Some insects can cause respiratory irritation and aggravate asthma symptoms. Cockroaches can do this and so can mites.
- Some insects cause skin irritation around a bite wound. A mosquito, tick, or flea bite is an example of this kind of allergic reaction.
- Some insects can create a systemic allergic reaction. A bite from an infected Lone Star tick can lead to an allergy to meat, called alpha-gal allergy. This can have lifelong health implications.
- Some insects inject venom, and the venom can trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.
Anaphylaxis is not common. In fact, it is quite rare. But it is important to realize that it is a concern. If you are stung by a wasp, bee, fire ant, or some other stinging insect, it could result in anaphylactic shock and even death. It is also possible to have this reaction to a biting insect such as a mosquito or a tick. But the chance of this is even lower. If you want to know how susceptible you are to this threat, speak with your physician or seek the assistance of an immunologist (allergist).
Social Versus Solitary Wasps
All wasps are not created equal. Some wasps are more prone to sting you than others. The wasps that can become aggressive and sting you are known as social wasps. They have protective instincts. Obviously, the more prone a wasp is to sting you, the greater the danger it represents.
Many wasps are not social. These are known as solitary wasps. They don't work together with other wasps to create their nests and they don't have a nest-protection instinct. You can be around these wasps with little or no fear of being stung as long as you watch where you put your hands and where you sit. If you compress one of these wasps, it is likely to sting you.
The Dangers Of Wasps' Nests On Your Denver Property
While social wasps aren't considered a stinging threat, it is not good when you have several of them creating nests on your property. Numerous solitary wasps' nests can present a danger because they increase your chances of accidental injury.
It only takes one social wasps' nest to present a serious threat. An aerial paper wasps' nest on your home or in your landscaping can lead to multiple wounds. A yellow jackets' nest in a ground hole can be activated by the vibrations from your lawnmower. If wasps create a nest in a wall of your home, they can develop a large nest and this can present a large threat if wasps suddenly emerge inside your home in large numbers.
The best way to protect yourself from the danger wasps can present is to keep an eye out for wasp activity. If you see wasps, move away from the area briskly without swinging your arms.
Denver Wasp Protection With Absolute Pest Control
You can reduce the risk of being stung by catching nests in your yard early and having them removed. At Absolute Pest Control, we provide routine inspections and nest removal as a part of our year-round residential pest control. If you don't have a pest control plan, reach out to us today and we'll help you get one in place. We also provide effective commercial pest control solutions.